Saturday, December 7, 2013

12/7/2013 - Houston, Texas to Flemington, NJ Planning

Well, it's been several days since my ride has been idle in Houston Texas.  In fact, it's the longest period of time it hasn't been ridden since I've owned it.

This ride has proven to be challenging; but, hopefully, with patience, I will finish up the ride on the weekend of the 14th and 15th of December.

The plan is to position myself in Houston on the 13th and get the bike ready to ride.  I plan to depart on the 14th, very early in the morning and, weather permitting, get as far as Richmond, Va.  That's a long stretch of 1300 miles.  Even if I don't get all the way into NJ, it looks like I can get pretty far north before snow might become a problem.

It's still early to tell; but, there is hope in the forecast!

-----------  12/9/2013 ----------

Looks like the weather will be 30% chance of light green rain across the Southeast.  I'm thinking that I will be in light green rain at least 30% of the time.  Given what I've been through, that's good enough.  Leaving on a Saturday morning means I shouldn't get stuck in traffic.  Now to fight with Orbitz and move my flight.

---------- 12/10/2013 ----------

Weatherman sayith - Wait one day before leaving and you'll have a precipitation free ride all the way.  That sounds like a good plan to me.  It also works out that I have friends in Houston that weekend, so this won't be hard at all.  Now to make it work logistically.


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